Faithful Raise Over $10,000 for Victorian Bushfire Victims

The faithful of the Assyrian Church of the East have responded to the call to help those in need.

During recent church services His Beatitude Mar Meelis Zaia AM made an appeal to all the church faithful to respond to the devastation of the Victorian people. He announced that at this time of great national disaster, a Christian’s duty is to help those in need, and the very least we can do is give financially to those whose lives have been destroyed so quickly and fiercely.

As Christians our compassion drives us to act on behalf of the vulnerable and right now the suffering of the people of Victoria needs our immediate response.

Thank you to all who have generously donated to this appeal. The funds will be forwarded to the Australian Red Cross.

As a church, and as individuals, our prayers and our hearts go out to all affected by the recent Victorian bushfires.

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