Bishop Mar Awraham Youkhanis Ordains Priests for Diocese of Western Europe

On Sunday 23 May 2021, His Grace Mar Awraham Youkhanis Bishop of the Diocese of Western Europe elevated two deacons to the ranking of priesthood to serve in Western Europe, Reverend Father Ninos Babisha and Reverend Father Shimshon Temmo.

After necessary visa paperwork and applications are completed, Reverend Father Ninos Babisha will commence theological studies in Vienna, Austria, and will be responsible for our communities living within Austria. Reverend Father Shimshon Temmo will commence his theological studies and service in Athens, Greece, caring for our communities living in Egaleo and Thessaloniki, along with his wife Mrs Mirna Temmo.

His Grace extends his gratitude and thanks to His Beatitude Mar Meelis Zaia AM Metropolitan for his support. Australia’s border closures caused many issues for the plans of the Diocese of Western Europe. His Grace Mar Awraham desired to ordain the new priests in their respective parishes in Europe. Nonetheless, His Grace was able to travel to Sydney, Australia to fulfil the ordinations in order to prepare for the arrival of the new priests into Vienna and Athens.

May the Lord bless Fr Babisha and Fr Temmo as they commence their service in Europe, and embark on a God-fearing and holy priesthood, pleasing to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Our sincere prayers and congratulations to our communities in Austria and Greece.

Photos by Mr Ashur Khoshaba

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