Popular Assyrian singer Linda George has entertained during a fundraising dinner organised by the hard-working Youth Association of Sydney, Archdiocese of Australia, New Zealand and Lebanon of the Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East.

Linda George Sings for Sydney Fundraiser

Popular Assyrian singer Linda George has entertained during a fundraising dinner organised by the hard-working Youth Association of Sydney, Archdiocese of Australia, New Zealand and Lebanon of the Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East.

The church fundraiser was held on the evening of Easter Sunday in Nineveh Lounge, at the Assyrian Australian Social Centre.

More than 550 people attended the dinner, including the community’s families and youth, who showed their support for all that the Youth Association of the Metropolitan See of Sydney does for its Church.

The beloved singer, Linda, opened the wonderful evening with a patriotic ballad, Ana Atra Litle, before going through her classic hits and latest singles. She is known for her support of the Assyrian community and Assyrian Church of the East around the world, and regularly lends her vocal talent to church choirs.

Linda, who resides in the United States of America, was formerly invited to perform in Sydney and Melbourne for the Easter holiday, in the hope of raising funds for key Church projects to be undertaken in both cities.

The Youth Association constantly finds ways to raise funds for the multiple programs and projects being undertaken by the Metropolitan See of Sydney.

Future plans include the building of Mar Narsai Assyrian College, while recently completed projects include the Retirement Village for Church members, the St Hurmizd’s Assyrian Primary School, Grace Childcare Centre, and the renovation and extension of Edessa Reception in Greenfield Park.

Following the Easter fundraiser, Linda headed to Melbourne for a party organised by the Youth Association of St George Parish, Melbourne, to be held in Ishtar Reception at the Assyrian Church of the East.

Linda George is due to return to Sydney and, for the first time, will perform on a Darling Harbour fundraising cruise organised by the Church.

For further information regarding the Melbourne party please contact Monier Kina on 0412 066 229.

For further information regarding the Sydney cruise please contact Ashur Khoshaba on 0424 188 108.

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