The Youth Association of Diana, Northern Iraq, have successfully organized their second annual Sports and Cultural Festival, featuring lectures and activities over six days.

St. George’s Sports and Cultural Festival

The Youth Association of Diana, Northern Iraq, have successfully organized their second annual Sports and Cultural Festival, featuring lectures and activities over six days.

His Beatitude Mar Gewargis Sliwa, Metropolitan of the Archdiocese of Iraq, Iran and Russia attended the opening ceremony, at St. George Church’s stadium in Diana, along with Reverend Yatron Yonan, committee members of the Church and many faithful.

The festival commenced on 9 August, with His Beatitude leading the lighting of the flame and asking for a minute’s silence for all the martyrs that had given up their lives for the Church and nation.

The Church Choir sang the Church’s anthem before Rev. Yatron spoke and thanked the delegation for their attendance and showing of love and support to their Church and nation. Special thanks was given to all those that helped in turning the festival into a success.

Following his keynote address, His Beatitude awarded a student of excellence, Rami Romeo Khoshaba, with an honoury certificate for achieving high results of 99% in his sixth grade Science studies.

At the conclusion of the formal opening ceremony, sporting competitions were announced where different parishes versed each other in ongoing rounds.

Festival activities included a lecture titled The Youth and the Church presented by Rev. Yatron, book fairs, art exhibitions, group visits to various churches, sporting activities such as table tennis and soccer, games such as chess, and more.

At the conclusion of the festival, winning teams and outstanding individuals celebrated following an awards ceremony.

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