Dr. William Ishaya Warda, newly appointed Adviser in the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Iraq to the United Nations in New York has called upon His Beatitude Mar Gewargis Sliwa, Metropolitan of Iraq, Russia and Jordan.

New York UN Mission Adviser Meets H.B. Mar Gewargis Metropolitan in Baghdad

Dr. William Ishaya Warda, newly appointed Adviser in the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Iraq to the United Nations in New York has called upon His Beatitude Mar Gewargis Sliwa, Metropolitan of Iraq, Russia and Jordan.

Also present during the meeting were representatives of the Assyrian Patriotic Party (APP) including Malik Sargon Malik Kamber, Malik Victor Malik Shamisdin and Muneer Hedo.

During the meeting the conditions of the Assyrian people in Iraq and abroad were discussed.

At the meeting’s conclusion, a gift was presented to Dr. Warda by His Beatitude and the Church in Iraq in recognition of Dr. Warda’s ongoing service to the Assyrian people.

Dr. William Ishaya Warda departed Iraq for New York on 18 October to commence duties at Iraq’s United Nations Mission, having previously served in diplomatic posts in Japan and internally within Iraq’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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