Rev. Fr. Narsai Youkhanis Receives MA in Early Christian and Jewish Studies

Sydney’s Reverend Father Narsai Youkhanis has received his Master of Arts in Early Christian and Jewish Studies from Macquarie University.

Currently the Chaplain of the Youth Association of Sydney as well as Mar Narsai Assyrian College (SHAPS), Rev. Narsai continues studying a Postgraduate Certificate in Ancient History (Research), focusing on the studies of the Apostles of the East, Mar Addai, Mar Mari, and Mar Thomas.

Part-time, he is also studying a Master of Arts in Theological Studies at Australian Catholic University, and a Diploma in Language Studies (Syriac) at the University of Sydney.

“I hope to start a PhD at Macquarie University next year with Professor Ken Parry, focusing on the ecclesiastical architecture of the Assyrian Church of the East,” said Rev. Narsai.

In 2010, Rev. Narsai was ordained to the priesthood by His Beatitude Mar Meelis Zaia AM, Metropolitan of Australia, New Zealand and Lebanon.

In the same year, he graduated with a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of New South Wales.

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