Assyrian Schools Welcome Dr Sargon Dadisho

On Friday 14th November 2008, students of St. Hurmizd Assyrian Primary School and Mar Narsai College in Sydney Australia, along with their Principal Mr. John Haskal, Deputy Principal Mr. Sargis Makko and all teachers and staff, joyously welcomed His Grace Mar Meelis Zaia AM, Bishop of the Assyrian Church of the East, Diocese of Australia and New Zealand. Students also welcomed to their schools a patriotic Assyrian guest of honour Dr. Sargon Dadisho, President of Bet Nahrain Democratic Party and Assyria Sat, in Modesto California, USA.

Students presented poems, songs and other items portraying the quality standard of education provide by both schools. The admired behaviour and respect shown by all students depicted both the cultural and spiritual morals of the students as Christian Assyrians.

In His speech, His Grace officially welcomed Dr. Dadisho on behalf the school community and expressed His gratitude towards the assistance provided by Assyrian Sat in broadcasting news reports of the schools and the entire achievements of the Church in Australia and New Zealand.

Dr Dadisho expressed his absolute delight in finally eye witnessing the great achievements of the Church under the assiduous leadership of His Grace Bishop Mar Meelis Zaia. Dr. Dadisho said, “here in Australia, you are blessed to have a Bishop like Mar Meelis, who is so dearly loved every Assyrian worldwide.” He also added, “Every country I have travelled to, they are speaking about your schools and how proud they are of the Assyrians in Australia.”

After the Conclusion of the ceremony, morning tea was prepared by the Paresnts and Friends Association followed by visitation of selected classes by His Grace and Dr. Dadisho.

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