His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV Catholicos Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East has emphasised that faith is at the foundation of our Christian life, while preaching to thousands of faithful who attended the first offering of the Holy Eucharist on the patriarchal sojourn to Australia.

Catholicos Patriarch Preaches Significance of Faith

“Jesus said to him, ‘Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.’” Luke 19:10

His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV Catholicos Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East has emphasised that faith is at the foundation of our Christian life, while preaching to thousands of faithful who attended the first offering of the Holy Eucharist on the patriarchal sojourn to Australia.

Consecrating the Eucharistic Liturgy at St. Hurmizd Cathedral, Sydney, at 8:30am on 11 September, His Holiness was warmly welcomed by an overwhelming number of faithful who filled the church and the surrounding premises.

His Holiness was accompanied by His Beatitude Mar Meelis Zaia AM, Metropolitan of Australia, New Zealand and Lebanon, His Grace Mar Emmanuel Joseph, Bishop of Canada, and Chor-Bishop Rev. Ashoor Lazar, parish priest of St. Hurmizd Cathedral.

As His Holiness arrived at St. Hurmizd Cathedral, the church bells sounded, deacons and the Church Choir began singing, and children and faithful lined up to throw roses before the Catholicos Patriarch.

Up to 60 priests and deacons were present from surrounding church parishes and other denominations.

Speaking on the importance of faith, His Holiness based his sermon on Luke 18:35 – 19:11. Acknowledging that education and materialistic possessions are needed to get us through our days on earth, His Holiness said we must keep in mind that Christ is and always should be the centre of attention in all our actions and deeds.

His Holiness also spoke about resisting sin, no matter how small or weak we might think we are. Just as Zacchaeus being the tiny man he was went to the extreme to be seen before Christ, so too we can be saved.

Addressing parishioners, His Holiness stressed the importance of preserving our faith and language, asking for spiritual guidance from God and brotherly love.

His Holiness will offer the Holy Eucharist once again on Sunday 18 September at St. Mary Church, before visiting Melbourne the following week.

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