The Education Committee of the Assyrian Church of the East's Baghdad parishes has been instrumental in organizing a lecture titled “Law and the Church”, presented by Rev. Dr. Salem Saka.

Baghdad Faithful Unfold Origins of Law

The Education Committee of the Assyrian Church of the East’s Baghdad parishes has been instrumental in organizing a lecture titled “Law and the Church”, presented by Rev. Dr. Salem Saka.

The lecture, held on 9 June at St Odisho Church in Baghdad, covered the topic of the laws, their origins and in particular their role in the Holy Bible.

Also discussed was the importance of laws within the Christian life in terms of ideological, organizational and liturgical aspects.

The event was the second in a series organized by the committee, following an initial lecture held on 5 May and titled “The Christian is the One Who Receives and Delivers the Gospel”.

Other clergies present at the lecture included: Rev. Yosip Gewargis, parish priest of St Mary Church; Rev. Shmoel Atniel, parish priest of St Qardagh Church; and many deacons and church faithful.

Before concluding the lecture, Rev. Dr. Salem provided the opportunity for audience feedback, during which various questions were asked by parishioners.

As a token of appreciation, the Education Committee awarded Rev. Dr. Salem with a gift, after which parishioners took part in fellowship.

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