H.H Mar Dinkha IV has sent a letter to the new Patriarch of the Maronite Syriac Church in Lebanon, Mar Bishara Butros al Rai, congratulating him on his consecration.

H.H. Mar Dinkha IV Congratulates Maronite Syriac Church Patriarch

His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV, Catholicos Patriarch of the Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East, has sent a letter to the new Patriarch of the Maronite Syriac Church in Lebanon, Mar Bishara Butros al Rai, congratulating him on his consecration.

His Holiness Mar Dinkha expressed his warmest wishes towards His Holiness Mar Bishara, who was elected on 15 March 2011.

With peace the first priority for sister churches, prayers were offered asking that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ may protect and guide Mar Bishara through his service.

Along with the wishes, His Holiness Mar Dinkha urged for peace and unity between sister churches in Lebanon during current difficulties in the Middle East. Further, prayers for peace and harmony for the country of Lebanon were also expressed.

The letter was passed on to His Holiness Mar Bishara during an official visit by:

  • Archdeacon Ammanuel Betyou, representative of the Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East in Lebanon.
  • His Beatitude Mar Meelis Zaia, Metropolitan of the Archdiocese of Australia, New Zealand and Lebanon of the Assyrian Church of the East. His Beatitude also sent a congratulatory card and flowers to His Holiness Mar Bishara.
  • Accompanying Archdeacon Ammanuel was Archdeacon Qardagh Hakim, Reverend Yatron Gilyana Aram and many deacons and committee members of administrative associations, St George’s Assyrian School in Beirut and all parishes through out Lebanon.
  • Mr. Tooma Khoshaba, the President of the General Administration Committee of St George’s Assyrian School, who presented an award of the Lord’s Prayer to His Holiness Mar Bishara in congratulating him on his consecration.

During the meeting, conditions of Christians in the Middle East and their living standards were thoroughly discussed. On this note, the two churches suggested ways in which they will both work in fulfilling the necessities and needs of the church faithful.

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