Parishioners of St George Church, Kirkuk, have gathered for an educational lecture on the history of Martyrs Day.

Kirkuk Youth Remember Assyrian Martyrs

Parishioners of St George Church, Kirkuk, have gathered for an educational lecture on the history of Martyrs Day.

The lecture, organised by the Youth Association of Kirkuk, was presented by writer Odisho Malko Ashitha and took place in the church hall of St George Church.

Titled Causes and Results, the lecture specifically detailed the events of the massacre across northern Iraq, where approximately 3000 Assyrians were killed in Simele, Dohuk and Mosul on 7 August, 1933.

Other present guests included many scholars and writers with specialist knowledge in Assyrian genocide and Syriac studies.

Odisho further congratulated the parish and in particular the Youth Association of Kirkuk for being such strong pillars for the Assyrian Church of the East, especially considering the circumstances of the country.

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