Faithful from across Baghdad’s parishes have attended a lecture on the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ, presented by Loay Kamail.

Lecture on the Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Faithful from across Baghdad’s parishes have attended a lecture on the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ, presented by Loay Kamail.

The lecture, held on the Commemoration of the Virgin Mary, 15 August, was held at St Mary Church of the Assyrian Church of the East.

Rev. Yosip Gewargis, parish priest of St. Mary Church, was in attendance along with Rev. Archdeacon Timatheus, parish priest of St. Shmoni Church of the Ancient Church of the East, and Rev. Yoshia, parish priest of St. Odisho Church of the Assyrian Church of the East.

The main purpose of the lecture was to communicate the vital role of Christian faith in the world today, and focused on the need to cope with change by taking the past and the present and moving into modern times while preserving the authenticity of our church.

Parishioners heard of the role that active prayer plays in our lives, and were encouraged to participate in the prayers and rituals of the church and to express their opinions and ideas to their parish priests. The act of fasting was also referred to as essential in strengthening spiritual life.

The presenter noted that it was important to focus on the importance of humanitarian work; fasting and prayer; increase awareness and educational activities; increase the effective bond between the parishes and the Church through an understanding of the the depth of the Christian faith.

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