The late Assyrian archaeologist Dr Donny George Youkhanna has been commemorated by faithful members of the Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East, gathering for Holy Liturgy at St Hurmizd’s Cathedral, Sydney.

Memorial Service for Dr Donny George Youkhanna

The late Assyrian archaeologist Dr Donny George Youkhanna has been commemorated by faithful members of the Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East, gathering for Holy Liturgy at St Hurmizd’s Cathedral, Sydney.

His Beatitude Mar Meelis Zaia AM, Metropolitan of the Archdiocese of Australia, New Zealand and Lebanon, offered the Holy Mysteries on 20 March, in the presence of many priests, deacons and faithful.

Giving heart to Dr Youkhanna’s family in Sydney, His Beatitude spoke of the accomplishments of the visiting Professor of Anthropology and Asian Studies at Stony Brook University, New York, USA, who passed away on 11 March 2011.

Dr Youkhanna’s zeal for his nation was seen through his work in saving ancient Assyrian artifacts and preserving their damaged remains, which were looted from the Iraq National Museum following the American-led war in 2003.

His Beatitude said the results of Dr Youkhanna’s work have inspired many and will live on for the benefit of the Assyrian nation. Future generations will continue to have the opportunity to learn of their heritage and be amazed of the archaeological remains of their nation’s past.

At the conclusion of the Holy Eucharist, the clergy and faithful attended the memorial breakfast, held at the Assyrian Australian Social Centre (Nineveh Lounge), where further speeches were presented in respect of the late Dr Donny George Youkhanna.

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