Elderly residents of the Assyrian Church Retirement Village have been treated to a Mother's Day visit by students from the Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East’s Mar Narsai Assyrian College (MNAC).

MNAC Visits Retirees on Mother’s Day

Elderly residents of the Assyrian Church Retirement Village have been treated to a Mother’s Day visit by students from the Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East’s Mar Narsai Assyrian College (MNAC).

The retirement homes are located directly behind St Mary Church in Smithfield, NSW.

Reverend Kiwarkis Atto, parish priest of St Mary Church, opened the visit with a prayer before speaking on the importance of mothers. He then acknowledged the beautiful work of the Assyrian Schools students.

The students conveyed a heartfelt message, showing their gratitude and recognition for a mother’s role in the life of every child.

The importance of a mother’s role ultimately shows in the success of future generations; today’s adults.

Gathering in the church hall, Rev. Kiwarkis introduced all the teachers, students and staff to the attendees. The students then shared Mother’s Day cards, flowers and gifts with the retired mothers who were present.

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