Sleepless Assyrians Become Stars for a Good Cause

The Assyrian Church of the East Youth Association of Sydney sacrificed a night’s sleep and became stars on Saturday 12th of September to help raise money for two main causes: the Starlight Children’s foundation, doing their part to help bring magic and laughter into the lives of seriously ill and hospitalised children and their families and secondly to the newly founded organization ACERO (Assyrian Church of the East Relief Organisation) to help and support Christian children and their families in war torn Iraq and its neighbouring countries.

Youth Association held the tiring Wake-A-Thon with over 100 participants from the Assyrian community at Edessa Reception Hall (behind St Hurmizd’s Cathedral) in Greenfield Park.
Chor-Bishop Father Ashur Lazar officially marked the beginning of the Wake-A-Thon with a prayer at 7pm. Over 500 people attended the dinner party. Participants danced and partied throughout the night till 2am, entertained by ten famous and beloved singers of the Assyrian community in Sydney who also donated their time and service for this worthy cause.

When party was concluded at 2am the 100 participants with the sponsorship form stayed back to sacrifice their sleep to raise funds. A breakfast and various games were organised in order to help pass the time.
Some comments from participants:
“If we saw anyone dosing off or with their head down, we sprayed them with water,” laughed one participant Mary Ismail “everyone was having a great time.”

“It was a fantastic night. We didn’t even know when the time flew” said another participant Maria Elisha “we can’t wait for next year.”

At 8.30am, there was a sea of purple, as all participants attended the church service held at St Hurmizd’s Cathedral. At the conclusion of the church service at 12 noon, so came the end of the Wake-A-Thon.

“The Assyrian Youth Association holds a fundraiser annually, in the past it has been a “Walk-A-Thon”, this year we tried something different and held a Wake-A-Thon. Both seem to be great fun and very successful. It was a great honour to be able to hold this fundraiser for both causes.” Said Mr. Reni Misho, President of the Assyrian Church Youth Association Committee.

If you are interested in supporting the Starlight Children’s Foundation visit the website If you are interested in supporting the ACERO foundation please contact The Assyrian Church Youth Association or contact Mr. Reni Misho on 0403291005.

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