The Assyrian Church of the East in Telkaif, North Iraq has officially opened a kindergarten and pre-school sponsored by the St. Shmoni Church.

Telkaif’s Parishioners Welcome Christian Kindergarten

The Assyrian Church of the East in Telkaif, North Iraq has officially opened a kindergarten and pre-school sponsored by the St. Shmoni Church.

Present at the opening ceremony on 3 October were: Chor-Bishop Rev. Benyamin Yosip, along with community representatives and other members of the church administration board.

The Ladies’ Auxiliary Committee, teachers, students and parents were also present at this ceremony along with many faithful of the parish and surrounding villages.

The program began with the Lord’s prayer and an opening comment by Chor-Bishop Rev. Yosip Baniamin regarding the creation of all necessary supplies and amenities for students.

The kindergarten is run by a director and three teachers along with a hygienist. Students are divided into 4 groups according to their ages. The building contains a library for children’s books, educational and fun toy room, meal rooms where healthy food and drinks such as milk is provided, movie room and hygiene rooms. A large hall is also available for big grouped viewing of religious, educational and recreational entertainment.

Besides indoor facilities, the kindergarten also has an outdoor courtyard equipped with modern means of entertainment.

The department which looks after schools and educational facilities in North Iraq examined and approved the facility. A doctor and a dentist will visit the building every two months inspecting the hygiene of the premises, as part of a complimentary service.

The kindergarten has also planned some outings to major monasteries and churches for the spiritual benefit of the kids along with some educational outings.

Every morning, all four classes will commence their day with hymns, bible readings and a prayer. Their day will also include language studies (Assyrian, Arabic and English) and academic studies (maths, history, geography). Lunch breaks will include story telling, games and shared meals.

The kindergarten will provide private cars and buses, transporting the children to and from the facility.

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