2010 Walkathon Inspires Spiritual Walk of Life

In a show of faithfulness to the Assyrian Church of the East, more than 300 church members took part in a physical and spiritual walk to raise more than $22,000 for the building of two new churches for the Archdiocese of Australia, New Zealand and Lebanon.

The 2010 Walkathon encouraged the young, old, fit and fighting to power-walk, trek and stroll their way through the scenic 10km route from the future site of Ss. Peter and Paul Parish, Kosovich Place in Cecil Park, to St Hurmizd Cathedral in Greenfield Park.

A sea of green-shirted participants was visible from afar, proudly displaying motivational words from the Epistle of Paul to the Philippians, 4:13 – “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

The annual marathon fundraiser was organised by the Youth Association of the ACOE alongside Ss. Peter and Paul Parish committee members, with the aim of raising donations for the building of Ss. Peter and Paul and St George Parishes.

Officially opening the 2010 Walkathon with a prayer, Reverend John Kushaba, priest at Ss. Peter and Paul Parish, said partial fundraising was to be donated to the Starlight Foundation of Australia.

“It is encouraging to know that while we may struggle to walk this route, it is through our endurance and faith that we will help children that are suffering,” said Rev. Kushaba.

“At the same time, we pray that our efforts will go towards the building of two new houses for our spiritual brothers and sisters.”

Reverend Narsai Youkhanis, the ACOE’s newly ordained priest, said staying spiritually healthy is the key to crossing the Christian finish line.

“This physical walk will improve our individual health and wellbeing, and ensure we stay physically fit. But as Christians, we must also remember the spiritual walk we take in life,” Rev. Youkhanis told the faithful.

“Just as consistency and perseverance are vital to staying fit and healthy, keeping our faith strong requires us to know Jesus Christ and make him known through our words and deeds.

“The progression of this spiritual walk requires each and every one of us to keep in prayer and fasting, to love one another and to do good deeds for the Glory of our Lord God Jesus Christ. Staying spiritually healthy through these factors is the key to crossing the finish line.”

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