The unveiling of one of the largest Assyrian murals in north Iraq has been attended by state officials, political parties, teachers, school students, clergy and parishioners.

Assyrian Mural Unveiled in North Iraq

The unveiling of one of the largest Assyrian murals in north Iraq has been attended by state officials, political parties, teachers, school students, clergy and parishioners.

Crowds gathered at St Shmoni Church in Telkef, north Iraq, on 12 June, to gaze at the mural painted by local artist Mr. Alrikana.

The mural, depicting an ancient Assyrian king in the midst of a lion hunt, was sponsored by Rev. Chor-Bishop Yosip Benyamin, parish priest of St Shmoni Church, Archdiocese of Iraq.

Completed within 20 days, the mural was painted with oil, is resistant to moisture and is said the be one of the largest seen in the area with dimensions of 6m x 3m.

Rev. Yosip wished Mr. Alrikana success in all works he undertakes as well as blessings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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