
His Holiness Meets AUA, Sydney

The Assyrian Universal Alliance (AUA) along with representatives of the Assyrian Australian Union Institutions have visited His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV, Catholicos Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East during his episcopal visit to Australia.

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School of Edessa Entertains

The School of Edessa at St George Parish, Damascus, has entertained parishioners with a comical drama entitled Real Madrid Verses Barcelona. The social event, held on 18 September, was organized as a method of lifting the spirits of temporary Assyrian residents who have left their homeland Iraq. The audience responded well to the theatre, filling the banquet hall full of joy and laughter. The event was a strong reminder that even though faithful of the Assyrian Church of the East in Damascus have left their families, friends, jobs, schools and entire lives, they still have their faith as well as a sense of humor. Rev. Toma Asitivo was present as the event’s guest of honour along with many deacons and committee members of the parish. Thanksgiving was offered to the Assyrian Church of the East’s Relief Organization (ACERO) for its continued financial support. [nggallery id=266]

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Catholicos Patriarch Preaches Significance of Faith

His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV Catholicos Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East has emphasised that faith is at the foundation of our Christian life, while preaching to thousands of faithful who attended the first offering of the Holy Eucharist on the patriarchal sojourn to Australia.

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