His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV, Catholicos Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East, has spoken on the importance of working as one body in Christ, during a Patriarchal Meet organised by St. George Parish, Ss. Peter and Paul Parish and the Youth Association of Sydney.

His Holiness Applauds Sydney’s Youth Association, St. George Mission and Ss. Peter and Paul Parish

His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV, Catholicos Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East, has spoken on the importance of working as one body in Christ, during a Patriarchal Meet organised by St. George Parish, Ss. Peter and Paul Parish and the Youth Association of Sydney.

The event, held on the evening of 27 September at Edessa Reception, was also attended by His Beatitude Mar Meelis Zaia AM Metropolitan of Australia, New Zealand and Lebanon, His Grace Mar Emmanuel Joseph, Bishop of Canada, parish priests Rev. Younan Dawod of St. George Mission and Rev. John Kushaba of Ss. Peter and Paul Parish, as well as Rev. Narsai Youkhanis, Chaplain of the Assyrian Schools and Youth Association.

The program comprised of presidential addresses from the parishes and associations; a poem by St. George Mission parishioner, Nina Dawod;, a testimony delivered by Sub-Deacon Domenico Miceli of Ss. Peter and Paul Parish; and a musical performance by Sandra Telo of the Youth Association.

His Beatitude spoke on the importance of youth ministries, calling it the church’s “production line” for the future generations.

Referring to examples of growing in faith, His Beatitude said His Grace Mar Odisho Oraham, Bishop of Europe, was a part of the Youth Association in the 1980s, as well as Rev. Genard Lazar who is currently in the United States undertaking youth missionary work.

His Beatitude further stressed the importance of presenting the faith and our liturgy in a language that is well-understood by a substantial number of diocese members, hence the development of Ss. Peter and Paul Parish and the community works currently ongoing by the parish, such as outreach programs.

In his keynote address, His Holiness expanded on His Beatitude’s words by further stressing the importance of active youth in the church, and giving enthusiasm and energy in all the services and activities of the parishes.

His Holiness went on to state the significance of being close to one another, working as one body unified for the glory of God.

Work in peace, said His Holiness, for where there is peace, there is God.

Following speeches, committees of the parishes and the Youth Association were welcome to take photographs with the prelates.

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