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H. G. Mar Paulus Benjamin Attends Washington, D.C. Religious Minorities Exhibit

In light of all the recent challenges religious minorities face throughout the Middle East, on July 19, 2012, the Congress of the United States, Washington DC introduced a resolution (H. RES. 732) that calls for the protection of the rights and freedoms of religious minorities in the Arab world, particularly in Egypt and Iraq. In addition, the new resolution encourages the newly elected Egyptian President and Supreme Council of the Armed Forces to ensure that the Constituent’s Assembly will draft a new constitution that is representative of all parts of Egyptian society, including the religious minorities. Also, the resolution calls upon the local and federal governments of Iraq to prosecute acts of violence against Assyrians and other minorities, and make the protection of ancient ethno-religious minorities in Iraq an urgent priority.

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The 20th annual Assyrian Food Festival in San Jose

The 20th annual Assyrian Food Festival in San Jose, CA hit record numbers. Over 14,000 people attended this year’s two day event. Filled with activities, exhibits, and an array of delicious dishes of kabobs, dolmas, and traditional stews.

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ACERO Launches Relief Effort for Krasnodar Flood Victims

The Assyrian Church of the East Relief Organisation (ACERO) has issued an urgent call to faithful of the Holy Church and of all compassionate individuals worldwide to support a major campaign to provide urgently needed aid to Assyrians affected by massive recent flooding in Krasnodar, Russia.

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Catholicos-Patriarch Receives Director of ‘Jingjiao Fellowship’

On the morning of Monday, June 4, 2012, His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV, Catholicos-Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East, received in audience at the patriarchate Mr. David Tam, director of the Hong Kong based ‘Jingjiao Fellowship.’ Also in attendance of the audience were: Their Graces Mar Awa Royel, Bishop of California, President of CIRED and Secretary of the Holy Synod; Mar Paulus Benjamin, the newly consecrated Bishop of the Diocese of Eastern USA; Mar Narsai Benyamin, Bishop of the Diocese of Iran; and the Very Rev. Archdeacon William Toma, parish priest of Mar Sargis parish in Chicago and Archdeacon of the Holy Synod.

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