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Catholicos Patriarch Preaches Significance of Faith

His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV Catholicos Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East has emphasised that faith is at the foundation of our Christian life, while preaching to thousands of faithful who attended the first offering of the Holy Eucharist on the patriarchal sojourn to Australia.

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Volunteer Services Put Faith to Work

Sydney’s English language ministry, Ss. Peter and Paul Parish, has established two ongoing outreach and evangelism services aiming to draw people closer to Christ.

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Graduates Preserve Ancient Language

The Assyrian Church of the East in North Iraq, along with the General Cultural Arts and Syriac Association, has held a ceremony for graduates of Syriac language studies.

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H.B. Mar Meelis Extends Thanks to Church

HB Mar Meelis Zaia AM has bestowed his gratitude to the Church, as parishioners of Sydney's St. Hurmizd Cathedral conveyed their deepest condolences on the passing of his mother, the late Mariam Zaia.

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