
Sydney parishioners trace steps of the Apostles of the East at Walkathon 2021

The Assyrian Church of the East Youth Association hosted its annual Walkathon Fundraiser on Sunday 28 November 2021 with more than 600 walkers trekking the eight-kilometre route around St Hurmizd’s Cathedral in Greenfield Park. The map traced the steps of the Apostles of the East; St Addai, St Mari, St Thomas and St Simon Peter himself, where walkers passed by major cities that signified milestones in their ministry across the homeland: Seleucia, Nisibis, Babylon, Nineveh and Edessa. Walkers picked up a handout explaining the significance of the city and the church fathers’ commentary. The walk was officially opened by His Eminence Mar Meelis Zaia AM and Reverend Fathers of Sydney parishes with a short program to welcome the walkers and cut the ribbon. The event concluded with a celebration at Edessa Reception Hall (Eden Venues) with entertainment, amusements and a barbecue. All proceeds from the Walkathon will go towards helping the needy displaced individuals and families in the Middle East, local charities in Australia and the works of the Youth Association in Sydney.

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His Holiness the Catholicos-Patriarch Hosts Post-Consecration Audiences

His Holiness Mar Awa III, Catholicos-Patriarch, received distinguished guests and representatives of governments in private audiences at St. John the Baptist Cathedral in Ankawa after his consecration and enthronement on the Feast of the Holy Cross (14 September 2021). His Holiness received the U.S. Consul General Robert Palladino of the U.S. Consulate of Erbil. (Photo courtesy of the U.S. Consulate Erbil Facebook page) The Catholicos-Patriarch received and met with Dr. Stavros Kyrimis, the Consul General of the Republic of Greece on Tuesday, 21 September 2021. On 21 September 2021, Mr. Evin Agassi paid a visit of honor to His Holiness the Catholicos-Patriarch. Mr. Emmanuel Khoshaba, along with a few colleagues, paid a courtesy visit to His Holiness on Monday, 20 September 2021. His Holiness Mar Awa III received Mr. Romio Hakari, the Chairman of Bet-Nahrain Democratic Party, and member of the Kurdish Parliament, along with Mr. Jarjis Younan, a member of the Bet-Nahrain Democratic Party on Monday, 20 September 2021.

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The bishops of the Assyrian Church of the East in the United States meet recently ahead of the 33rd annual National Youth Conference. Attending the meeting were: His Grace Mar Aprim Khamis, Bishop of the Diocese of the Western USA; His Grace Mar Awa Royel, Bishop of the Diocese of California and Secretary of the Holy Synod; and His Grace Mar Paulus Benjamin, Bishop of the Diocese of the Eastern USA. ​The three bishops held their meeting on Wednesday, July 30th, at the premises of the St. Mary’s Assyrian Church of the East in Los Angeles, California. The bishops discussed many topics effecting the life of the Church in the United States. Some of the matters discussed were: 1) the National Executive Committee of the Assyrian Church of the East Youth Association (ACEYA); 2) the Constitution of the ACEYA; 3) the importance of transmitting the faith of the holy Church to our youth, particularly the promotion and use of the Assyrian language among our younger generation; 4) currents events in the life of the Church in the States; 5) matters relating to the clergy (priests and deacons) serving the parishes of the US. ​Some of the more notable outcomes of …

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On Sunday 23 May 2021, the Assyrian Church of the East and Assyrian community of Victoria celebrated the historic opening of the newly constructed St Abdisho’s Assyrian Centre in Coolaroo. The Centre is a Diocesan project to provide an accessible space for members of the community including youth, seniors, women and other groups. The facility will also be the permanent home of the St George Assyrian Language School. The Grand Opening and Blessing function was led by His Beatitude Mar Meelis Zaia AM, Metropolitan of Australia, New Zealand and Lebanon and His Grace Mar Benyamin Elya, Bishop of Victoria and New Zealand. The opening was attended by The Honourable Nazih Elasmar MLC, President of the Victorian Legislative Council, Maria Vamvakinou MP, Federal Member for Calwell representing The Honourable Anthony Albanese MP, Leader of the Opposition, Frank McGuire MP, State Member for Broadmeadows, Cr Joseph Haweil – Mayor of Hume City, Viv Nguyen – Victorian Multicultural Commissioner, Victorian Multicultural Commission Commissioner Mohammad Yassin, Hume City Council Councillors Cr Sam Misho, Cr Jim Overend and Cr. Naim Kurt and a range of other dignitaries and representatives from a range of sectors. The program included performances from students of St George Assyrian Language …

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Bishop Mar Awraham Youkhanis Ordains Priests for Diocese of Western Europe

On Sunday 23 May 2021, His Grace Mar Awraham Youkhanis Bishop of the Diocese of Western Europe elevated two deacons to the ranking of priesthood to serve in Western Europe, Reverend Father Ninos Babisha and Reverend Father Shimshon Temmo. After necessary visa paperwork and applications are completed, Reverend Father Ninos Babisha will commence theological studies in Vienna, Austria, and will be responsible for our communities living within Austria. Reverend Father Shimshon Temmo will commence his theological studies and service in Athens, Greece, caring for our communities living in Egaleo and Thessaloniki, along with his wife Mrs Mirna Temmo. His Grace extends his gratitude and thanks to His Beatitude Mar Meelis Zaia AM Metropolitan for his support. Australia’s border closures caused many issues for the plans of the Diocese of Western Europe. His Grace Mar Awraham desired to ordain the new priests in their respective parishes in Europe. Nonetheless, His Grace was able to travel to Sydney, Australia to fulfil the ordinations in order to prepare for the arrival of the new priests into Vienna and Athens. May the Lord bless Fr Babisha and Fr Temmo as they commence their service in Europe, and embark on a God-fearing and holy priesthood, …

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Sydney’s Children on the Fourth Annual Summer VBS 2021

The Assyrian Church of the East Children’s Association (ACECA) hosted its fourth annual summer program, from Monday 11th January to Friday 15th January 2021 at St Hurmizd’s Assyrian Primary School, Greenfield Park. The week long program, themed “Rocky Railway” took the children on mountains of fun, a faith-filled adventure where children discovered how trusting Jesus pulls them through life’s ups and downs. Each day 250 children were lead into spiritual lessons with 50 of ACECA’s most dedicated and hardworking teachers and volunteers. Through station rotations: imagination station, Loco Motion Games, KidVid cinema, and Wild Bible Adventures, the children experienced how to trust our Lord in every situation. The event organisers ensured a COVID Safety Plan was in place protecting the health of the children and volunteers throughout the program. See below link for a video compilation of the event: https://fb.watch/356clydPfV/

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