
Sydney’s Children on their Inaugural VBS

The Assyrian Church of the East Children’s Association (ACECA) in Sydney held its inaugural Vacation Bible School (VBS) in from Monday 8th to Thursday 11th January 2018. The “Camp Out” themed event catered for 120 children that often attend the Association’s regular weekly Wednesday night ministry. The VBS included two full days of fun and interactive learning; bible explorations, wilderness games, projects with a purpose, bible adventures and arts and crafts. Lanterns that taught them ‘Jesus is the Light’, caravan banks that taught charity through ACERO and GUTSY bears that taught love were just a few projects and activities the children worked on. The third day was the children’s fun day out, where parents were invited to share in the celebrations. A picnic was held at Plough and Harrow (Abbotsbury) where children were booked in to experience the Treetops Adventure Park, trekking as high as the trees and swinging to and from their posts; what campers can really do in those forests. The VBS concluded with a closing campfire ceremony on Thursday presided over by His Beatitude Mar Meelis Zaia AM, Metropolitan, Reverend Chor-Bishop Narsai Youkhanis and Revered Father Shamuel Shamuel. Children sang and performed, and showcased everything they had …

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Presbyteral Ordination in the Diocese of California

On September 13, 2017, The Feast of the Holy Cross, His Grace Mar Awa Royel, Bishop of California elevated Rev. Deacon John Piro to the ecclesiastical rank of presbyter at Mar Zaia Cathedral in Modesto, California.  Rev. Fr. John will serve as an assistant priest at Mar Addai Parish in Turlock, California.  Following the ordination, His Grace Mar Youhannan Yousip, Auxiliary Bishop of India, celebrated the Holy Mysteries and there was a fellowship meal in the Church Hall. Video of Rev. Fr. John’s Ordination Biography of Rev. Qashisha John Badal Piro Reverend Qashisha John Badal Piro was born on February 7, 1973 in the city of Turlock, CA. to his father Reverend Cor-Bishop Badal S. Piro, and Bereshwa Piro.  He is the youngest of 7 children.  He began his ecclesiastical education in the Assyrian Church of the East in both Syriac language and liturgical service at the hands of his father beginning at the age of five years.  This was instrumental in building a strong foundation in the Apostolic faith of the Church of the East, which is evident to this day. At the age of 12 years, he was ordained a hypodyakhna (subdeacon) for Mar Addai Parish and served …

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His Grace Mar Paulus Benjamin attends a meeting organised by Dr. Odisho Khoshaba

On Thursday September 14th, 2017 His Grace Mar Paulus Benjamin, Diocesan Bishop and Dn. Dadway Daniel attended a meeting that was organized by Dr. Odisho Khoshaba at Hilton Hotel, Northbrook IL. The purpose of this meeting was to clarify the actual political spectrum presented by Mr. DAS Joseph Pennington Deputy Assistant Secretary for Iraq Bureau of near Eastern Affairs accompanied by Mr. David Staples. Luncheon was followed after the meeting. The meeting was in attendance of: Chaldean Syriac Assyrian Popular Council, Assyrian American Federation Capni Organization Abna Nahrain Party Assyrian Universal Alliance (AUA) Assyrian Democratic Movement (ZOWA) Bet Nahrain Party Ninveh Plain Defense Fund On behalf of His Grace Mar Paulus Benjaminthe diocese would like to extend his thanks to Dr. Odisho Khoshaba for organizing the meeting. Source: (ACOE Easter Dioces Facebook Page)

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Catholicos-Patriarch Consecrates Mar Benyamin Elya as Bishop of Victoria and New Zealand in Melbourne

On Sunday 16th July 2017 by the grace of Almighty God, the Archdiocese of Australia, New Zealand and Lebanon under the leadership of His Beatitude Mar Meelis Zaia AM was blessed with the consecration of His Grace Mar Benyamin Elya as the first Bishop of the newly-created Diocese of Victoria and New Zealand.   Visiting from the Patriarchate of the Assyrian Church of the East in Iraq, His Holiness Mar Gewargis III Sliwa, Catholicos-Patriarch was assisted in the consecration which commenced at 8am on Sunday 16th July at St Abdisho’s Cathedral, with the following prelates present alongside His Holiness;   – His Beatitude Mar Aprem (Metropolitan of Malabar and All India)– His Beatitude Mar Meelis Zaia AM (Metropolitan of Australia, New Zealand and Lebanon) – His Grace Mar Emmanuel Yosip (Bishop of Canada)– His Grace Mar Awa Royel (Bishop of California, USA)– His Grace Mar Narsai Benyamin (Bishop of Iran)– His Grace Mar Paulus Benyamin (Bishop of Eastern USA)– His Grace Mar Abris Youkhanan (Bishop of Erbil)   After the Consecration the new Bishop of Victoria and New Zealand celebrated the Holy Qurbana. More than 1500 faithful were in attendance for both services.     The church services were attended by the following …

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Consecration & Testimonial Dinner – Live

مباشر …. مراسيم الرسامة الأسقفية للاركذياقون نينوس ايليا، اسقفاً على فكتوريا ونيوزلندا، بوضع اليمين المباركة لقداسة البطريرك مار كيوركيس الثالث صليوا وأصحاب الغبطة والنيافة. Live broadcast of the Consecration of The Rev’d Fr Ninos Elya, Bishop-Elect Diocese of Victoria and New Zealand by His Holiness Mar Gewargis III Sliwa, Catholicos-Patriarch Of the Assyrian Church of the East. St Abdisho’s Church Coolaroo, Victoria, Australia

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New Priest Ordained in Erbil, Iraq

On Friday 23rd June 2017 at St John the Baptist Church in Ankawa, Erbil, Deacon Martin Nabil Nikola was ordained to the rank of priesthood at the blessed hands of His Holiness Mar Gewargis III Sliwa, Catholicos-Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East. In attendance was His Grace Mar Abris Youkhanan, Bishop of Erbil and Patriarchal Vicar, Archbishop Mar Grigorios Sliwa Shimon of the Syrian Orthodox Church along with numerous reverend priests, deacons and nuns from many sister churches. Biography: Reverend Martin was born in Baghdad in 1990 and completed his primary and secondary education in the city of his birth. From there he moved to Erbil to study philosophy and theology at Babel College, successfully graduating in 2014. He was ordained a deacon by His Holiness Mar Gewargis III in St Odisho Church, Baghdad on 18th December 2010. Revered Martin is married and will serve the Assyrian Church of the East at St John the Baptist Patriarchal Cathedral in Ankawa, Erbil.

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Deacon and Sub-Deacon Ordinations in Illinois

“…Therefore, brothers, pick out from among you seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we will appoint to this duty...” -Acts of the Apostles 6:3 It is with great joy that His Grace Mar Paulus Benjamin, Bishop of the Eastern United States, accepted the request of Very Rev. Fr. Cor-Bishop Dr. Gewargis Toma, parish priest of Saint Andrews Church in Glenview, Illinois to ordain one deacon and two sub-deacons for the growing parish! On the sixth week of the Great Fast, His Grace Mar Paulus Benjamin placed his blessed right hand upon two new Sub-Deacons; namely, Sargis Giliana and Tawer Matloub.  The newly ordained Sub-Deacons are great examples for the youth as they were both born and raised in the diaspora, but have spent countless hours studying the Aramaic language and the Apostolic traditions of our Holy Church. Lord willing, on April 23, 2017, during the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, His Grace Mar Paulus Benjamin will also elevate Afram Liwi Zakaria and raise him to the Holy Order of Diaconate for Saint Andrews Church.  We request the prayers of all the Church faithful, across the world, for the ones who have been called to …

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Five Clerical Ordinations in Australia

His Beatitude Mar Meelis Zaia AM, Metropolitan of Australia, New Zealand and Lebanon has elevated three priests to higher holy orders and ordained two priests for the Archdiocese. On Sunday 26th March His Beatitude elevated Rev’d Fr Korkis Toma to the ranking of Cor-bishop at St Abdisho’s Church in Melbourne. Rev’d Fr Korkis is the priest of the latter parish. On Sunday 2nd April His Beatitude elevated Rev’d Father Ninos Elya and Rev’d Father Narsai Youkhanis to the ranking of Archdeacon and Cor-bishop, respectively at St Hurmizd’s Cathedral. The Rev’d Archdeacon Ninos Elya, formerly  parish priest of Saints Peter and Paul Church and chaplain of the Assyrian Schools is to be consecrated to the episcopate on 16th July in Melbourne for the newly formed Diocese of Victoria and New Zealand. Rev’d Cor-bishop Narsai Youkhanis is the secretary to the Metropolitan and chaplain for the youth and children’s associations and will now take up responsibility for international youth ministry for the Assyrian Church of the East. On the same day, Deacon Sami Reverend Shamuel was ordained to the ranking of priesthood and will assume the name Rev’d Father Shamuel Shamuel and a role as chaplain at St Narsai Assyrian Christian College and the responsible clergy member for the Christian education in the Archdiocese. Also, Deacon Neil Makko was ordained to the ranking of priesthood and will take on the role of parish priest at Saints Peter and Paul …

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Fasting and Great Lent

FASTING AND GREAT LENT The institution of fasting: Fasting is as old as the human race is. From the Old Testament we learn that God instituted fasting in Paradise. It is written: “The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the LORD God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” (Gen. 2:15-17) The above mentioned verse makes it clear that fasting existed before the Adam and Eve committed sin by breaking the commandment of God, and fasting was not established as a treatment for their sin. The fasting in Paradise consisted of abstaining of the fruit of the tree, the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God by commanding Adam and Eve not to eat of the particular fruit wanted to teach them the discipline of self-control and spiritual growth. Fasting was practiced both in the Old and New Testament and throughout the history of the Church. What is the similarity between …

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Announcement of Sydney Clerical Ordinations

On Sunday 26th February being the beginning of the Great Lent in the church’s liturgical calendar, His Eminence Mar Meelis Zaia AM offered the Holy Eucharistic service at St Hurmizd’s Cathedral, Greenfield Park. By which the announcement of Sydney’s clerical ordinations was made to the congregation, to take place 8:00 am on Sunday 2nd April at St Hurmizd’s Cathedral, and are as follows: Reverend Father Ninos Elya to be elevated to the ranking of Archdeacon for the Holy Church, in preparations for his consecration as bishop on Sunday the 16th July in St Abdisho’s Church, Melbourne as elected by the Holy Synod. The Church will be anticipating the attendance of His Holiness Mar Gewargis Sliwa Catholicos Patriarch accompanied by a number of esteemed prelates. Reverend Father Narsai Youkhanis to be elevated to the ranking of Chor-Bishop for the Holy Church, in commencing his international youth ministry as elected by the Holy Synod. Deacon Neil Makko to be elevated to the ranking of priesthood and taking on the responsibilities of Saints Peter and Paul Church in Cecil Park, Sydney. Deacon Neil will relieve Rev’d Fr Ninos as he commences his bishop duties for Melbourne in July 2017. At the same time, …

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