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Northern Iraq’s Village of Sarsing Mourns the Death of Rev’d Patros Younan

“For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.” (1 Thessalonians 4:14) On Wednesday 16th November 2016, the village of Sarsing in Northern Iraq mourned the death of Reverend Father Patros Younan, parish priest of St Matthew’s Church. The Late Rev’d Fr Patros Younan was born in the year of 1969, was married with four children; two boys and tow girls. He was ordained a priest on the 18th February 2012 by His Grace Mar Iskhaq Yousip, bishop of the diocese of Northern Iraq and Russia. He served at St Matthew’s Church in the village of Sarsing and other surrounding churches. The funeral service will be held 1:00 pm on Friday 18th November 2016 in St Matthew’s Church. The Church in its entirety convey their condolences to his family and parishioners, and pray that the Lord grants him His Eternal Kingdom as a faithful servant.

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Metropolitan Mar Meelis Visits ACERO Dohuk Apartments

ACERO’s Dohuk Chapter today had the immense honour of welcoming His Beatitude Mar Meelis Zaia, Metropolitan of Australia, New Zealand and Lebanon to ACERO’s Dohuk Housing Conplex. Commencing the visit at 10am, the Metropolitan led prayers at the Complex and was given a tour of the facilities by Mr Odisho Dawood, care-taker of the site and Chairman of the Dohuk Chapter. Accompanied by a number of reverend priests and other dignitaries, His Beatitude made time to visit with all residents and pray over those suffering from illnesses and other conditions. ACERO’s UK Headquarters and the ACERO family around the world offer our thanks to His Beatitude for making the time to visit and for his ongoing support of ACERO’s work in the Middle East.

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Metropolitan Mar Meelis Meets Lebanese President

During the latest visit to their diocese, His Beatitude Mar Meelis Zaia AM met with the Lebanese President General Michel Aoun in his presidential palace Baabda – Beirut. His Beatitude conveyed his sincere congratulations and well wishes to the President, on behalf of the Assyrian Church of the East’s Holy Synod and the Assyrian community in Lebanon in its entirety for the presidential elections of the Republic, and prayed for Lebanon and its people to live in peace and harmony. Upon His Beatitude’s visitation, a thorough update on the living conditions of the Assyrian community who have been displaced from their homeland and are currently seeking refuge in Lebanon was presented. The great sufferings of these families was brought to the attention of the President, and a recount of their traumatic experiences in Iraq and Syria. In concluding their visitation, His Beatitude conveyed his best to the President, praying that the Lord strengthens and guides him with the work entrusted to him by the Lebanese people; to bring process and prosperity.   His Beatitude Mar Meelis was accompanied by Rev’d Chor-Bishop Yatron Kilyana and Mr. Essam El-Assaad.

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Catholicos Patriarch Meets Pope in the Vatican

His Holiness Pope Francis warmly welcomed the Catholicos Patriarch Mar Gewargis Sliws III on the monrning of Thursday 17th November along with select few prelates in the Vatican City’s Redemptoris Mater Chapel. The Pope pressed great emphasis on the zeal and faith of the Christians in the Middle East during this time of turmoil, and applauded the Church for its support and aide during this time. An excerpt from the Servizio Informazione Religiosa (Vatican City’s news central) reads below: Deep grief “for what is still going on in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq and Syria”, where “the terrible violence of bloody conflicts, which no reason can justify or allow, is poured down on hundreds of thousands of innocent children, women and men”. Pope Francis expressed this this morning as he met with the Catholicos Mar Gewargis III, Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East, in the Redemptoris Mater Chapel in the Vatican. “There – Pope Francis said –, our Christian brothers and sisters and several religious and ethnic minorities are, unfortunately, used to suffering great trials on a daily basis”. “Amidst such great suffering, to which I implore for an end – the Pontiff said – we see Christians …

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Assyrian Church Consecrates Bishops for 2017

The Holy Synod of the Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East, headed by His Holiness Mar Gewargis Sliwa III convened in the city of Erbil, Iraq commencing on Monday the 7th November till Saturday 12th November 2016. The Synod opened the meeting with the offering of the Holy Oblation in St Youkhana Mamdnana Cathedral (St John the Baptist) in Ankawa, Erbil. The Holy Synod elected two priests to be consecrated bishops in the year of 2017, namely; Reverend Father Dr Tyari Jonsen for the Diocese of Erbil and Patriarchal Vicar and Reverend Father Ninos Elya for the Diocese of Melbourne (Australia) and temporarily New Zealand. Biographies 1- Reverend Father Dr Tyari Jonsen Reverend Tyari was born in Erbil, Iraq in the year of 1978. He was ordained a deacon by Metropolitan His Beatitude Mar Gewaris (currently His Holiness) in Baghdad on the 23rd November 2002. He was ordained a priest once again by the Metropolitan at the time in Kirkuk’s St George’s Church on the 14th January 2007. Rev’d Tyari received his Bachelor Degree in Political Science from the University of Baghdad in 2007. Rev’d Tyari also received his Masters Degree in Theology 2011 from Alphonsian Academy in …

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