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Assyrian Church of the East Represented at 10th World Council of Churches Assembly in Busan, Korea

Commissioned by His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV, Catholicos-Patriarch, Rev’d Cor-bishop George Toma, parish priest of St Andrew’s Church in Glenview, Illinois has represented the Assyrian Church of the East at the 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches. Under the theme ‘God of life, lead us to justice and peace’, more than 2000 delegates of world churches convened in Busan, Republic of Korea between 30 October – 8 November 2013. The Assembly of the World Council of Churches is a unique moment when the fellowship of member churches unites in prayer, celebration and sets the future agenda for the council. The Assembly is held once every 7 or 8 years. The WCC brings together churches, denominations and church fellowships in more than 110 countries and territories throughout the world, representing over 500 million Christians and including most of the world’s Orthodox churches, scores of Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist and Reformed churches, as well as many United and Independent churches. At the end of 2012, there were 345 member churches. While the bulk of the WCC’s founding churches were European and North American, today most member churches are in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, the Middle East and the …

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Bishop of California Calls on US Congresswoman Anna Eshoo

On the afternoon of Wednesday, November 6, 2013 His Grace Mar Awa Royel, Bishop of the Diocese of California and Secretary of the Holy Synod visited Congresswoman Anna Eshoo (CA – 18th Congressional District) at her Palo Alto, California office. His Grace was accompanied by Rev’d Fr Genard Lazar, his secretary and Mar Zaia Cathedral parish priest in Modesto. In a most cordial and warm colloquium, His Grace and the Congresswoman discussed matters pertaining to the plight of Assyrian Christians in the Middle East, in particular Iraq and Syria. The bishop briefed the Congresswoman in detail concerning the many hardships faced by the Assyrians in Iraq and Syria, amidst volatile and unstable conditions in those countries. Among the most pressing concerns of the Assyrians in these countries, the bishop informed the Congresswoman, is the matter of forced migration outside of the historical homeland and immigration to the west. Many who have left these countries for fear of their lives on account of persecution are stranded in host countries for an untold period of time until they are given visas to come to the West. In particular, The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has registered thousands …

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Metropolitan of Iraq Ordains Deacon in Baghdad

On the occasion of the Commemoration of Mar Awgin the Blessed and the first week of the Hallowing of the Church, His Beatitude Mar Gewargis Sliwa, Metropolitan of Iraq, Jordan and Russia has ordained Shimshon Warda Yaqo to the holy diaconate in the Church of Mar Odisho, Baghdad on 8 November 2013. The service took place prior to the consecration of the Holy Qurbana. The newly-ordained deacon is to serve the Mission congregation of the Assyrian Church of the East in Damascus, Syria. The Metropolitan was assisted in the service by Baghdad parish priests, Rev’d Fr Yosip Gewargis, Rev’d Fr Awgin Hurmizd and Rev’d Fr Shmoel Sh. Athneil. A large number of church deacons also participated in the presence of the church choir and faithful. During his sermon, the Metropolitan discussed the theme of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice and ascension to the cross for the salvation of humankind. He went on to note that Mar Awgin, on whose commemoration day the service was held, is a model emulating the abandonment of early pleasure for the abundance found in Jesus Christ. Following the service, the newly ordained deacon was congratulated by all the clergy and faithful present who prayed that Almighty God …

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Sydney Assyrian School Students Hold Assembly Marking the Barnabas Fund ‘Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church’

The students of St Hurmizd Assyrian Primary School of the Assyrian Church of the East in Sydney, Australia have participated in the Barnabas Fund Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. On 1 November 2013 the students gathered at the ‘H.H. Mar Dinkha IV Assembly Hall’ to remember and pray for suffering Christians throughout the world. During the program they also recited the Lord’s Prayer in the Assyrian language. The Rev’d Fr Ninos Elya, school chaplain noted during the program, “It’s good to pray for Christians but it takes greater strength to pray for your enemies.” Addressing the students, school principal Sargis Makko discussed the great importance of praying for fellow Christians and spoke about the tremendous work done by the Barnabas Fund in aid of suffering and persecuted Christians worldwide. The students expressed their gratitude to the Barnabas Fund, a partner of the Assyrian Church of the East Relief Organisation (ACERO), for the work it has done to support all Christians and in particular Assyrians in the Middle East. It is noteworthy that Dr Patrick Sookhdeo, International Director of the Barnabas Fund visited the St Hurmizd Assyrian Primary School in November 2010. During Dr Sookhdeo’s visit, His Beatitude Mar …

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Bishop of California Attends Academic Year Opening in Rome

In response to an official invitation from the Rector of the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome for the opening of the 2013/2014 academic year, His Grace Mar Awa Royel, Bishop of the Assyrian Church of the East, Diocese of California and Secretary of the Holy Synod was commissioned by His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV, Catholicos-Patriarch to officially represent the Church at the academic function. Arriving in Rome on Tuesday, October 22, 2013, His Grace accompanied by his secretary and Mar Zaia Cathedral parish priest Rev’d Fr Genard Lazar, were received at the Pontifical Russian College in Rome, where accommodations were prepared by the rector of the same college, with the aid of Fr Claudio Ciubotariu SJ. Distinct arrangements for His Grace to participate at the General Papal Audience on Wednesday, October 23, 2013, with designated seating in the ‘Sagrato’ section prepared by the offices of Bishop Brian Farrell, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. His Grace was personally greeted by His Holiness Pope Francis, and met the President of the Senate of the Dominican Republic along with his consort at the completion of the program. At this moment His Grace conveyed a brief message of fraternal greetings …

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Sydney College Students Commemorate 2010 Baghdad Church Massacre Anniversary

On 5 November 2013, the students of St Narsai Assyrian Christian College of the Assyrian Church of the East in Sydney, Australia gathered to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of the October 2010 terrorist attack upon Our Lady of Salvation Syriac Catholic Church in Baghdad, Iraq. During the heinous terrorist incident 58 Christians, many of whom were women and children lost their lives following a lengthy siege of the church. Addressing the assembled students, Jacob Awraham, Assyrian language coordinator at the College discussed the sacrifices and suffering of the Christians of Iraq following the commencement of the Iraq War in 2003. In particular, Mr Awraham noted that the storming of the church and martyrdom of the many faithful came during a time in which they had congregated to celebrate the liturgy and pray for peace and stability in their homeland. School principal John Haskal spoke urging the students to reflect upon the tragic events and immense suffering of Iraq’s Christian community which has led hundreds of thousands to flee the country. He exhorted the students to uphold their Christian values, Assyrian national identity and heritage. Mr Haskal went on stressing the great contribution of the Assyrian people to civilisation and urging …

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Lebanon Youth Mark Patriarchal Anniversary with Student Graduation Ceremony

On the occasion of the 37th anniversary of the consecration of His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV as Catholicos-Patriarch, the Assyrian Youth Association of the Assyrian Church of the East in Lebanon organized a graduation ceremony honouring Assyrian students having successfully undertaken secondary and university level studies. The ceremony, held on 20 October 2013 and held at Mar Guiwargis Cathedral in the Beirut suburb of Sed el-Bouchriyeh commenced with Assyrian and Arabic hymns. Following this Rev’d Fr Yatron Koliana delivered an address highlighting the importance of the occasion and the immense importance of the active participation of young faithful in the life of the Holy Church. Addressing the attendees, Rev’d Fr Georges Youkhanna, Parish Priest of Mar Guiwargis Cathedral emphasised the significant role of the youth in the church and the importance of renewing spirituality in the lives of the young faithful. Speaking next on behalf of the graduates being honoured at the event was Ms Carla Simonian who noted that the graduates were specifically honouring the memory of the renowned Assyrian journalist, nationalist and martyr Professor Ashur Yusef due to his significance as a champion of education as a means of national advancement of the Assyrian people. Assyrian youth leader …

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Sydney Youth Raise Thousands for Breast Cancer Research and Syria Relief Effort in Annual ‘Walkathon’

The annual ‘Walkathon’ of the Assyrian Church of the East Youth Association – Sydney (ACEYA – S) was held on Sunday 22 September 2013 with the participation of over four hundred faithful participants. The annual event seeks to generate funds for the support of both a local Australian charitable organisation, the Assyrian Church of the East Relief Organisation (ACERO) and the general work of ACEYA – S. The event was held under the theme: ‘For we walk by faith, not by sight’ (2 Corinthians 5:7). Therefore, the walk communicated to faithful the Christian message that life’s journey is one of faith and that this faith will triumph the obstacles or adversities faced in life, whether sickness or other trials. The attendees gathered eagerly in front of St Hurmizd Cathedral following the Eucharistic Liturgy registering their names and receiving their packs which included a t-shirt, hat and bag. The event was this year graced by the presence of His Beatitude Mar Meelis Zaia AM, Metropolitan of Australia, New Zealand and Lebanon who welcomed the hundreds of attendees, spoke about the importance of the causes being supported and bestowed his episcopal blessings on all participants. Shortly afterwards balloons were released into the …

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