
Lebanon Youth Mark Patriarchal Anniversary with Student Graduation Ceremony

On the occasion of the 37th anniversary of the consecration of His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV as Catholicos-Patriarch, the Assyrian Youth Association of the Assyrian Church of the East in Lebanon organized a graduation ceremony honouring Assyrian students having successfully undertaken secondary and university level studies. The ceremony, held on 20 October 2013 and held at Mar Guiwargis Cathedral in the Beirut suburb of Sed el-Bouchriyeh commenced with Assyrian and Arabic hymns. Following this Rev’d Fr Yatron Koliana delivered an address highlighting the importance of the occasion and the immense importance of the active participation of young faithful in the life of the Holy Church. Addressing the attendees, Rev’d Fr Georges Youkhanna, Parish Priest of Mar Guiwargis Cathedral emphasised the significant role of the youth in the church and the importance of renewing spirituality in the lives of the young faithful. Speaking next on behalf of the graduates being honoured at the event was Ms Carla Simonian who noted that the graduates were specifically honouring the memory of the renowned Assyrian journalist, nationalist and martyr Professor Ashur Yusef due to his significance as a champion of education as a means of national advancement of the Assyrian people. Assyrian youth leader …

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Sydney Youth Raise Thousands for Breast Cancer Research and Syria Relief Effort in Annual ‘Walkathon’

The annual ‘Walkathon’ of the Assyrian Church of the East Youth Association – Sydney (ACEYA – S) was held on Sunday 22 September 2013 with the participation of over four hundred faithful participants. The annual event seeks to generate funds for the support of both a local Australian charitable organisation, the Assyrian Church of the East Relief Organisation (ACERO) and the general work of ACEYA – S. The event was held under the theme: ‘For we walk by faith, not by sight’ (2 Corinthians 5:7). Therefore, the walk communicated to faithful the Christian message that life’s journey is one of faith and that this faith will triumph the obstacles or adversities faced in life, whether sickness or other trials. The attendees gathered eagerly in front of St Hurmizd Cathedral following the Eucharistic Liturgy registering their names and receiving their packs which included a t-shirt, hat and bag. The event was this year graced by the presence of His Beatitude Mar Meelis Zaia AM, Metropolitan of Australia, New Zealand and Lebanon who welcomed the hundreds of attendees, spoke about the importance of the causes being supported and bestowed his episcopal blessings on all participants. Shortly afterwards balloons were released into the …

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“We Believe In” National Youth Conference 2013

“Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, ‘I find no pleasure in them.’” Ecclesiastes 12: 1 ​The Assyrian Church of the East’s 26th National Youth Conference was hosted by the Diocese of California, from the 10th to the 15th of July of 2013. The conference was attended by over two hundred and seventy youth from around the nation, as well as representatives of our Church’s youth from as far as England. ​This year’s theme was “We Believe in…,” symbolizing the Nicene Creed which is recited at nearly every one of our blessed Church’s services. The goal of the theme was to invite the attending youth to reflect on the fundamentals of our faith, especially those items which are currently being challenged and scrutinized by other Christian denominations and non-Christians alike. Session topics chosen for this year’s conference included: ‘Proofs for the Existence of God’, ‘The Apostolicity of the Church’, ‘Moral Issues Facing the Church’ and ‘Mary and the Saints’, presented by a team of highly esteemed and well-versed clergy from our beloved Church from around the nation. ​The program commenced on Wednesday, July 10th, …

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Assyrian Church of the East Receives Rev. Ephraim Ashur Alkhas

On the Fourth Sunday of Summer, 28 July 2013, His Grace Mar Awa Royel, Bishop of the Diocese of California, formally and publicly received the Rev’d Qashisha Ephraim Ashur Alkhas into the Assyrian Church of the East for the Diocese of California. The reception by clerical confession of faith, oath of obedience and vesting was given and completed before the witness of the clergy and faithful at Mar Zaia Cathedral in Modesto, California. ​On 14 July, Fr. Ephraim was officially but privately received into the Assyrian Church as a priest of the Diocese of California. He was received from the Diocese of Los Angeles of the North American Archdiocese of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch (الروم الأرثوذكس). ​Fr. Ephraim grew up in Saint Mary’s Assyrian Church of the East in North Hollywood, later Tarzana. Here he was baptized by Qashisha Barkho Oshana. During his teenage years he enjoyed participating in the daily services at St Mary’s. He learned to love the Church and her services through the Very Rev’d Cor-Bishop George Bet-Rasho and Rev. Deacon Dan Daniel, his close lifetime mentor and friend. He was tonsured and ordained a Reader by His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV, Catholicos-Patriarch, at the …

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Assyrian Church of the East Participates in 8th Forum of the National Council of Churches in Australia

Between 5 - 9 July 2013, the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) held its 8th National Forum in Melbourne, Victoria under the theme ‘Mission Shaped Ecumenism: What is the Call of God for the Church?’ The 5-day Forum was held at the Catholic Education Leadership Centre, located in East Melbourne.

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Bishop Mar Aprim Khamis Attends Heads of Eastern Churches Meeting in Los Angeles, USA

The churches of the Oriental Orthodox family and the Assyrian Church of the East, along with representatives of the Catholic Church and a number of Protestant churches came together for a joint meeting on 17 June 2013 at the Virgin Mary Cathedral, Armenian Apostolic Church in Los Angeles.

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Mar Meelis Zaia Metropolitan and Chaldean Catholic Patriarch Mar Louis Raphael I Sako Meet in Sydney

A delegation of the Assyrian Church of the East, led by His Beatitude Mar Meelis Zaia AM, Metropolitan of Australia, New Zealand and Lebanon has welcomed to Australia His Beatitude Mar Louis Raphael I Sako, Patriarch of the Chaldean Catholic Church.

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Children’s Association Established in Sydney

The Assyrian Church of the East in Sydney has recently established the Assyrian Church of the East Children’s Association (ACECA) with the motto of Children of God. The Children’s Association was officially established by Rev’d Narsai Youkhanis along with the ACECA committee in February and the teaching term commenced in March with the blessings of His Beatitude Mar Meelis Zaia AM, Metropolitan of Australia, New Zealand and Lebanon. Registrations for the ministry were available throughout February for children aged between three and thirteen. The curriculum comprises of a practical and hands on bible study, daily prayers, church hymns and Assyrian language for the different ages. For parents of children under the age of three, ACECA organises an hour long childcare program with the support of staff at the church’s Grace Childcare Centre located at Polding Street, Fairfield. “It is inspiring to see a sea of over 200 Assyrian Christian children gathered every week wearing their ACECA shirts eager to learn, create friendships and grow together, both spiritually and physically”, said one of the parents. Currently there are over 200 children registered with over ten teachers voluntarily committing their time for the hour long ministry on Wednesdays from 6-7pm at the …

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H.G. Mar Paulus Benjamin Consecrates Eucharistic Liturgy for Elderly Faithful in Chicago

His Grace Mar Paulus Benjamin, Bishop of Chicago and Eastern USA consecrated the Eucharistic Liturgy on Tuesday March 26, 2013 at Peterson Park Health Care Center in Chicago where many Assyrian faithful are currently residing. His Grace was assisted by the Rev’d Archdeacon William Toma and Deacon Dadway Daniel.

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